Sunday, December 6, 2015

10 great things about our love

A. Darling, if we choose ten great things in our love, what will you choose?
B. Don't know what to choose.
A. Just pick them.
B. You go first
A. (1st) For me, the first great thing is probably when we first met. don't know why on that day i had an inspiration to climb up to the top floor to read a book. and if the wind blew in a different direction, you and i would have never met each other.
B. (2nd) For me the second one is when we made our first kiss. how can i describe it. i was pretty nervous. but finally it turned out okay. it was my longest and most calorie-consuming kiss ever.
A. (3rd) Well, the third one. i was so scared. when i gave you a watch as for my first gift to you. you turned my gift away and you also walked away. i was very disappointed. you said nothing, but gave me a stare. i felt you had high self-respect. but that made me adore you so much. then i think, i am sure i can live the rest of my life with you.
B. (4th) For me, the fourth is whrn you can hang around everywhere and have street food without worrying about collywobbles. at that moment, you look so lovely.
A. you are a liar.
B. its true.
A. (5th) do u still remember when we cleaned the house? we listened to music, washed bolwed in the sink, arranged things in the house,... rememer? and what else?
B. And in the toilet.
A. why remember that for so long?
B. it was fun. you helped me wash my hair. and...., ah, (6th) and the dance that you taught me?
A. well, it was rock n roll.
B. thats the hell of a dance. i was tired of shaking my hip all the time. or we make it the sixth great thing, huh?
A. (7th) do u know that we used to play acting? its so funny recalling that. u played the role of a sugarcane juice playboy. u acted just well enough.
B. "baby, you're so cute. where do you live? hang out with me alright? have some sugarcane juice, will you? my mom sells sugarcane juice at the corner of the street.drop by and join me and you can have 80 glasses in a row. youre so cute."
A. "youre disgusting." you acted so well. youre a natural-born scoundrel, aren't you?
B. definetly.
A. stay away from me. you look so rogue.
B. why did u cry knowing thatvwas just a joke when i pretended to be dead?
A. i dont know. when i saw u lying on the floor with medicine all scattered around, i felt so... i couldnt breathe. something was chokng my heart.
B. i apologise. next time i will act as a tiny dinosaurs and make u laugh, ok?
A. what?
B. tiny dinosaur.
A. youre crazy.
B. (8th) honey. sometimes we didn't get along well. it seemed were about to part for good. but we chose to say everything we had in mind. i compromised. and so did you. eventually, we were even. it was also meaningful to me. (9th) do u remember when i gave u a wedding ring? at that moment you made me feel like i was a bit hasty and superficial. did i really made you feel awkward?
A. i was not ready. i felt i didnt deserve your love.
B. i hate ur reason so much. just skip that part. consider u still owe me a nod. so for u, what is the tenth great thing?

A. (10th) do u know what is the tenth great thing in my mind? i think the greatest thing, also the luckiest to me, is that i did find the one i can love and he really loves me.

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